When is the best time of day to run?
Seize the day, get up at the crack of dawn, see the sunrise and then continue your day feeling fulfilled and grateful. If only it were that simple.
The reality of running
In reality there’s always something to mess up your plans. A baby or infant was awake in the night, you had a late work shift, an unexpected dinner plan that went a little late, or a restless mind that kept you up.
The reasons are often pretty legitimate as to why you may or may not be able to hit morning sessions. For some, running in the morning is perfect, yet for others it’s a recipe for disaster. We are all unique; therefore, our approach to training should be unique too!
Choosing the best time of day to run
#1 – The Weather
If you are living out here in the desert, then there are certainly times of the year that we need to avoid running in peak sun/heat. Or the flip side, in other parts of the world, it might require you to wait until the freezing temperatures have thawed out.
#2 – Your Non-Running Schedule
If you know there are other commitments in your day such as office hours or school drop-offs, plot these in first, and then slot your running times around them accordingly. Once you hash out this holistic approach it will set you up to win on a consistent basis.
#3 Your Personal Preference
We are more likely to continue doing something if there are less pain points. It is not right or wrong to be a morning person or a night owl – however it’s important to know the time of day that you prefer running.
Ultimately the best time to run is the time that brings you the most enjoyment and satisfaction, which in turn will help you stack consistency.
Closing thoughts
There are pros and cons to running in the morning, the afternoon and the evening – especially in Dubai. It depends on so many personal factors that, ultimately, there is no ‘one’ best time of day to run – you have to find what works best for you!
Related: Unlock your running potential
Our Ladies Run Club sessions offer both morning and evening slots. Head over to @if_ladiesrunclub for more information.
Fun - Honesty - Simplicity - SMASH LIFE - Mental Toughness - Hard Work
We are putting into practice the pacing strategies we learned in the last two weeks' EMOM style. This week, we will ski, Bike, and row.
Hanging from the bar and getting upside down is what is happening in gymnastics this week. We will be breaking down the bar muscle-up and focusing on the movement technique; then, we will move to some handstand walks again, breaking down the movement and spending some time walking on our hands!
For all levels: learning to recover on the run after a hard station. Hyrox Strength work into short runs.
This week we continue with hip mobility moving into ankle mobility & foot stability drills, with shoulder mobility finisher.
This week in Pure Strength, we kick off Monday with some deadlift doubles and some heavy single-leg work and finish off with a “Rump Pump”. Wednesday, we will progress in loading the Close Grip Bench Press and work through a little t-shirt filler to end the session.
This week, the focus is on Clean and Jerks, where we will be hitting some clusters and then Clean Doubles into 1 Jerk!
Track Tuesday
We begin set 1 of our over/under block. This is all about threshold!
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1 hour
Wednesday Ride
We return to outdoor intervals this week! Some strength work into Vo2 max, 90min session!
Start time: 05:59am
Session Length: 1 hour
Location: BOTS - https://goo.gl/maps/6AwtJXW8nA45Cy9H8
The Coffee Run
A fartlek session into some 8min blocks this week. A tough run that will deliver some big stimulus!
Start time: 05:59 am
Session length: 1 hour
Location: Common Grounds, Jumeirah Beach Track
Saturday Brick
Start time: 5:29 am
Our tri season opener! Get in touch with tw@innerfight.com to find out the plan.
Time: 5:59am & 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Ladies Only Tempo
This week we will be holding that 7/10 feeling for 8 min blocks with a 3 mins recovery.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Sports City
Session: Track Tuesday
800m of over/unders is on the menu today. This is your chance to run fast with the wider InnerFight Endurance Community and Coaches.
Time: 5:59am & 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Ladies Only Intervals
Today we will cycle through 1 min on/off intervals. Keep the 1 min off nice and easy!
Time: 5:59am
Location: Kite Beach
Session: The Coffee Run
After some strides we will have some longer tempo blocks for you here.
We are kicking off the week with some technique work on the Hang Power Snatch before diving into a triplet of Wall Balls, Rowing and Burpees. Tuesday is focused on our strict pulling strength and some heavy Jerks in the skill and the workout. Wednesday will be a tough leg day with the Zercher squat and a heavy Dumbbell workout. Thursday, we have some TTB skill work and then an ascending and descending AMRAP to get through. Friday, we finish the week with some heavy Deadlifts into a savage workout with the barbell!
A) Snatch Grip DL + Hang Snatch Pull + Hang Muscle Snatch
B) Hang Power Snatch
In a 12-minute window 3 rounds
21 wall balls
15 cal row
9 burpee over the rower
Max cal row in the remaining time
A) Strict Pull Ups
B Push Jerk & % of Pull-Ups from Part A
3 min amrap
3 STOH ( 60/45)
10 pull-ups
15 box jump
rest 2 mins x 4
Zercher Squats
22 mins AMRAP
16 suitcase reverse lunge (2x50/35)
50 DU
8 dual DB Front Squat
Park Run
B) Incline DB Bench Press & % of TTB from Part A
9 min Amrap
3 push-ups on DBS
3 Alt renegade rows (2x50/35)
3 cal ski
(+ 3 reps on each movement each round)
Rest 3 mins
For time: AMRAP in reverse
A) Deadlift
Therapyyyyyyy, we carry over the barbell into a savage workout! One you do not want to miss!
Seize the day, get up at the crack of dawn, see the sunrise and then continue your day feeling fulfilled and grateful. If only it were that simple.
The reality of running
In reality there’s always something to mess up your plans. A baby or infant was awake in the night, you had a late work shift, an unexpected dinner plan that went a little late, or a restless mind that kept you up.
The reasons are often pretty legitimate as to why you may or may not be able to hit morning sessions. For some, running in the morning is perfect, yet for others it’s a recipe for disaster. We are all unique; therefore, our approach to training should be unique too!
Choosing the best time of day to run
#1 – The Weather
If you are living out here in the desert, then there are certainly times of the year that we need to avoid running in peak sun/heat. Or the flip side, in other parts of the world, it might require you to wait until the freezing temperatures have thawed out.
#2 – Your Non-Running Schedule
If you know there are other commitments in your day such as office hours or school drop-offs, plot these in first, and then slot your running times around them accordingly. Once you hash out this holistic approach it will set you up to win on a consistent basis.
#3 Your Personal Preference
We are more likely to continue doing something if there are less pain points. It is not right or wrong to be a morning person or a night owl – however it’s important to know the time of day that you prefer running.
Ultimately the best time to run is the time that brings you the most enjoyment and satisfaction, which in turn will help you stack consistency.
Closing thoughts
There are pros and cons to running in the morning, the afternoon and the evening – especially in Dubai. It depends on so many personal factors that, ultimately, there is no ‘one’ best time of day to run – you have to find what works best for you!
Related: Unlock your running potential
Our Ladies Run Club sessions offer both morning and evening slots. Head over to @if_ladiesrunclub for more information.
Fun - Honesty - Simplicity - SMASH LIFE - Mental Toughness - Hard Work
Track Tuesday
We begin set 1 of our over/under block. This is all about threshold!
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1 hour
Wednesday Ride
We return to outdoor intervals this week! Some strength work into Vo2 max, 90min session!
Start time: 05:59am
Session Length: 1 hour
Location: BOTS - https://goo.gl/maps/6AwtJXW8nA45Cy9H8
The Coffee Run
A fartlek session into some 8min blocks this week. A tough run that will deliver some big stimulus!
Start time: 05:59 am
Session length: 1 hour
Location: Common Grounds, Jumeirah Beach Track
Saturday Brick
Start time: 5:29 am
Our tri season opener! Get in touch with tw@innerfight.com to find out the plan.
Time: 5:59am & 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Ladies Only Tempo
This week we will be holding that 7/10 feeling for 8 min blocks with a 3 mins recovery.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Sports City
Session: Track Tuesday
800m of over/unders is on the menu today. This is your chance to run fast with the wider InnerFight Endurance Community and Coaches.
Time: 5:59am & 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Ladies Only Intervals
Today we will cycle through 1 min on/off intervals. Keep the 1 min off nice and easy!
Time: 5:59am
Location: Kite Beach
Session: The Coffee Run
After some strides we will have some longer tempo blocks for you here.
We are kicking off the week with some technique work on the Hang Power Snatch before diving into a triplet of Wall Balls, Rowing and Burpees. Tuesday is focused on our strict pulling strength and some heavy Jerks in the skill and the workout. Wednesday will be a tough leg day with the Zercher squat and a heavy Dumbbell workout. Thursday, we have some TTB skill work and then an ascending and descending AMRAP to get through. Friday, we finish the week with some heavy Deadlifts into a savage workout with the barbell!
A) Snatch Grip DL + Hang Snatch Pull + Hang Muscle Snatch
B) Hang Power Snatch
In a 12-minute window 3 rounds
21 wall balls
15 cal row
9 burpee over the rower
Max cal row in the remaining time
A) Strict Pull Ups
B Push Jerk & % of Pull-Ups from Part A
3 min amrap
3 STOH ( 60/45)
10 pull-ups
15 box jump
rest 2 mins x 4
Zercher Squats
22 mins AMRAP
16 suitcase reverse lunge (2x50/35)
50 DU
8 dual DB Front Squat
Park Run
B) Incline DB Bench Press & % of TTB from Part A
9 min Amrap
3 push-ups on DBS
3 Alt renegade rows (2x50/35)
3 cal ski
(+ 3 reps on each movement each round)
Rest 3 mins
For time: AMRAP in reverse
A) Deadlift
Therapyyyyyyy, we carry over the barbell into a savage workout! One you do not want to miss!
We are putting into practice the pacing strategies we learned in the last two weeks' EMOM style. This week, we will ski, Bike, and row.
Hanging from the bar and getting upside down is what is happening in gymnastics this week. We will be breaking down the bar muscle-up and focusing on the movement technique; then, we will move to some handstand walks again, breaking down the movement and spending some time walking on our hands!
For all levels: learning to recover on the run after a hard station. Hyrox Strength work into short runs.
This week we continue with hip mobility moving into ankle mobility & foot stability drills, with shoulder mobility finisher.
This week in Pure Strength, we kick off Monday with some deadlift doubles and some heavy single-leg work and finish off with a “Rump Pump”. Wednesday, we will progress in loading the Close Grip Bench Press and work through a little t-shirt filler to end the session.
This week, the focus is on Clean and Jerks, where we will be hitting some clusters and then Clean Doubles into 1 Jerk!
Seize the day, get up at the crack of dawn, see the sunrise and then continue your day feeling fulfilled and grateful. If only it were that simple.
The reality of running
In reality there’s always something to mess up your plans. A baby or infant was awake in the night, you had a late work shift, an unexpected dinner plan that went a little late, or a restless mind that kept you up.
The reasons are often pretty legitimate as to why you may or may not be able to hit morning sessions. For some, running in the morning is perfect, yet for others it’s a recipe for disaster. We are all unique; therefore, our approach to training should be unique too!
Choosing the best time of day to run
#1 – The Weather
If you are living out here in the desert, then there are certainly times of the year that we need to avoid running in peak sun/heat. Or the flip side, in other parts of the world, it might require you to wait until the freezing temperatures have thawed out.
#2 – Your Non-Running Schedule
If you know there are other commitments in your day such as office hours or school drop-offs, plot these in first, and then slot your running times around them accordingly. Once you hash out this holistic approach it will set you up to win on a consistent basis.
#3 Your Personal Preference
We are more likely to continue doing something if there are less pain points. It is not right or wrong to be a morning person or a night owl – however it’s important to know the time of day that you prefer running.
Ultimately the best time to run is the time that brings you the most enjoyment and satisfaction, which in turn will help you stack consistency.
Closing thoughts
There are pros and cons to running in the morning, the afternoon and the evening – especially in Dubai. It depends on so many personal factors that, ultimately, there is no ‘one’ best time of day to run – you have to find what works best for you!
Related: Unlock your running potential
Our Ladies Run Club sessions offer both morning and evening slots. Head over to @if_ladiesrunclub for more information.
Fun - Honesty - Simplicity - SMASH LIFE - Mental Toughness - Hard Work
Time: 5:59am & 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Ladies Only Tempo
This week we will be holding that 7/10 feeling for 8 min blocks with a 3 mins recovery.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Sports City
Session: Track Tuesday
800m of over/unders is on the menu today. This is your chance to run fast with the wider InnerFight Endurance Community and Coaches.
Time: 5:59am & 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Ladies Only Intervals
Today we will cycle through 1 min on/off intervals. Keep the 1 min off nice and easy!
Time: 5:59am
Location: Kite Beach
Session: The Coffee Run
After some strides we will have some longer tempo blocks for you here.
We are kicking off the week with some technique work on the Hang Power Snatch before diving into a triplet of Wall Balls, Rowing and Burpees. Tuesday is focused on our strict pulling strength and some heavy Jerks in the skill and the workout. Wednesday will be a tough leg day with the Zercher squat and a heavy Dumbbell workout. Thursday, we have some TTB skill work and then an ascending and descending AMRAP to get through. Friday, we finish the week with some heavy Deadlifts into a savage workout with the barbell!
A) Snatch Grip DL + Hang Snatch Pull + Hang Muscle Snatch
B) Hang Power Snatch
In a 12-minute window 3 rounds
21 wall balls
15 cal row
9 burpee over the rower
Max cal row in the remaining time
A) Strict Pull Ups
B Push Jerk & % of Pull-Ups from Part A
3 min amrap
3 STOH ( 60/45)
10 pull-ups
15 box jump
rest 2 mins x 4
Zercher Squats
22 mins AMRAP
16 suitcase reverse lunge (2x50/35)
50 DU
8 dual DB Front Squat
Park Run
B) Incline DB Bench Press & % of TTB from Part A
9 min Amrap
3 push-ups on DBS
3 Alt renegade rows (2x50/35)
3 cal ski
(+ 3 reps on each movement each round)
Rest 3 mins
For time: AMRAP in reverse
A) Deadlift
Therapyyyyyyy, we carry over the barbell into a savage workout! One you do not want to miss!
We are putting into practice the pacing strategies we learned in the last two weeks' EMOM style. This week, we will ski, Bike, and row.
Hanging from the bar and getting upside down is what is happening in gymnastics this week. We will be breaking down the bar muscle-up and focusing on the movement technique; then, we will move to some handstand walks again, breaking down the movement and spending some time walking on our hands!
For all levels: learning to recover on the run after a hard station. Hyrox Strength work into short runs.
This week we continue with hip mobility moving into ankle mobility & foot stability drills, with shoulder mobility finisher.
This week in Pure Strength, we kick off Monday with some deadlift doubles and some heavy single-leg work and finish off with a “Rump Pump”. Wednesday, we will progress in loading the Close Grip Bench Press and work through a little t-shirt filler to end the session.
This week, the focus is on Clean and Jerks, where we will be hitting some clusters and then Clean Doubles into 1 Jerk!
Track Tuesday
We begin set 1 of our over/under block. This is all about threshold!
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1 hour
Wednesday Ride
We return to outdoor intervals this week! Some strength work into Vo2 max, 90min session!
Start time: 05:59am
Session Length: 1 hour
Location: BOTS - https://goo.gl/maps/6AwtJXW8nA45Cy9H8
The Coffee Run
A fartlek session into some 8min blocks this week. A tough run that will deliver some big stimulus!
Start time: 05:59 am
Session length: 1 hour
Location: Common Grounds, Jumeirah Beach Track
Saturday Brick
Start time: 5:29 am
Our tri season opener! Get in touch with tw@innerfight.com to find out the plan.
Seize the day, get up at the crack of dawn, see the sunrise and then continue your day feeling fulfilled and grateful. If only it were that simple.
The reality of running
In reality there’s always something to mess up your plans. A baby or infant was awake in the night, you had a late work shift, an unexpected dinner plan that went a little late, or a restless mind that kept you up.
The reasons are often pretty legitimate as to why you may or may not be able to hit morning sessions. For some, running in the morning is perfect, yet for others it’s a recipe for disaster. We are all unique; therefore, our approach to training should be unique too!
Choosing the best time of day to run
#1 – The Weather
If you are living out here in the desert, then there are certainly times of the year that we need to avoid running in peak sun/heat. Or the flip side, in other parts of the world, it might require you to wait until the freezing temperatures have thawed out.
#2 – Your Non-Running Schedule
If you know there are other commitments in your day such as office hours or school drop-offs, plot these in first, and then slot your running times around them accordingly. Once you hash out this holistic approach it will set you up to win on a consistent basis.
#3 Your Personal Preference
We are more likely to continue doing something if there are less pain points. It is not right or wrong to be a morning person or a night owl – however it’s important to know the time of day that you prefer running.
Ultimately the best time to run is the time that brings you the most enjoyment and satisfaction, which in turn will help you stack consistency.
Closing thoughts
There are pros and cons to running in the morning, the afternoon and the evening – especially in Dubai. It depends on so many personal factors that, ultimately, there is no ‘one’ best time of day to run – you have to find what works best for you!
Related: Unlock your running potential
Our Ladies Run Club sessions offer both morning and evening slots. Head over to @if_ladiesrunclub for more information.
Fun - Honesty - Simplicity - SMASH LIFE - Mental Toughness - Hard Work
Seize the day, get up at the crack of dawn, see the sunrise and then continue your day feeling fulfilled and grateful. If only it were that simple.
The reality of running
In reality there’s always something to mess up your plans. A baby or infant was awake in the night, you had a late work shift, an unexpected dinner plan that went a little late, or a restless mind that kept you up.
The reasons are often pretty legitimate as to why you may or may not be able to hit morning sessions. For some, running in the morning is perfect, yet for others it’s a recipe for disaster. We are all unique; therefore, our approach to training should be unique too!
Choosing the best time of day to run
#1 – The Weather
If you are living out here in the desert, then there are certainly times of the year that we need to avoid running in peak sun/heat. Or the flip side, in other parts of the world, it might require you to wait until the freezing temperatures have thawed out.
#2 – Your Non-Running Schedule
If you know there are other commitments in your day such as office hours or school drop-offs, plot these in first, and then slot your running times around them accordingly. Once you hash out this holistic approach it will set you up to win on a consistent basis.
#3 Your Personal Preference
We are more likely to continue doing something if there are less pain points. It is not right or wrong to be a morning person or a night owl – however it’s important to know the time of day that you prefer running.
Ultimately the best time to run is the time that brings you the most enjoyment and satisfaction, which in turn will help you stack consistency.
Closing thoughts
There are pros and cons to running in the morning, the afternoon and the evening – especially in Dubai. It depends on so many personal factors that, ultimately, there is no ‘one’ best time of day to run – you have to find what works best for you!
Related: Unlock your running potential
Our Ladies Run Club sessions offer both morning and evening slots. Head over to @if_ladiesrunclub for more information.
Fun - Honesty - Simplicity - SMASH LIFE - Mental Toughness - Hard Work